Association of New Jersey Household Hazardous Waste Coordinators Meeting

April 6, 2016

Ocean County Recycling Education Center – 10:00am

 Welcome and Introductions

ANJHHWC President Daniel Napoleon called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone. He “Thanked” Ernie Kuhlwein for hosting our meeting. Meeting continued with self-introductions.

A motion was made to approve the minutes from the January 19, 2016 meeting by Chuck Giacobbe and seconded by Wayne De Feo.  There were no comments on the minutes.  All in attendance approved the motion.

Treasurer’s report

Chris Sikorski provided the Treasurer’s report.  He reported the ANJHHWC’s account balance is currently $22, 873.22.  Chris Sikorski stated memberships are still coming in. Only one outstanding invoice remains to be collected from the DOT training held in February. Monica Gismondi moved to accept the Treasurer’s report and Melinda Williams seconded the motion. All in attendance approved the motion.

DOT Training

Melissa Harvey handed out the training certificates.  Diana Vigilante stated that the Association will inquire about obtaining pocket size DOT cards and is still working on getting the “49 CFR Parts 100-186 Haz Mat Books” for 30.00 each.


Dan Napoleon stated he had received a call from Guy Watson stating Guy had a meeting with the Commissioner, Assemblyman McKeon, Senator Smith and the Governor’s Office today and would not attend our meeting.  DEP has provided changes and revisions to the legislation.  DEP has also met with those opposing the bill (Industry and Business Associations) to understand their opposition and possibly work things out.

Enforcement Action:

34 letters were sent out Feb. 5 and 5 letters went out on Feb. 9th to Sony, Samsung, Vizio, LG and Panasonic. DEP has received approximately $100K in fines which went into the general fund.

The Commissioner will send out the agreement to stakeholders for comments between now and May when the revised legislation comes up for a vote.

Brian Costantino stated that Camden County has cancelled their collection of e-waste at the landfill which generated approximately 495,000 lbs. in 2015.

Paint Care Update

Ed Waters stated that Paint Care legislation was pocket vetoed in January and the bill has been reintroduced: A-1373 and S-986 to be voted on come May.

Waste Stream Challenge: Oxygen Cylinders

Disposal of compressed gas cylinders seems to be a problem for some counties….with very few outlets. Several coordinators stated they have included language in their HHW bids that “compressed gas cylinders” are to be accepted at their HHW events.

Next Waste Stream Challenge is Smoke Detectors and Exits Signs.

Website Committee

Larry Gindoff, Fred Stanger, Dan Napoleon and JoAnn Gemenden will meet to work on this issue.

Upcoming Events

President Daniel Napoleon announced the SWANA Conference – April 18-19, 2016 at Tropicana in AC. Brian Costantino will represent ANJHHWC and give a power point presentation on ANJHHWC.

President Daniel Napoleon asked for a volunteer to review the financial records of 2015.  Both Melissa Harvey and Wayne De Feo volunteered.

Report by the Nominating Committee/Elections

The Nominating Committee consisting of Brian Costantino and Fred Stanger reported that they moved the existing slate of officer for one additional year: Dan Napoleon – President, JoAnn Gemenden – Vice President, Chris Sikorski – Treasurer and Diana Vigilante – Secretary.

The committee opened the process up to the floor for any additional nominations…..there being no additional nominations the discussions was closed.

A motion to approve the current slate of officers was made by Monica Gismondi and seconded by Chuck Giacobbe.  All in attendance approved the motion.

Social/Meeting Event

President Daniel Napoleon will look into holding a meeting at a baseball game or at Jenkinson’s in Pt. Pleasant.


The meeting was adjourned at 12:00pm.  Wayne De Feo moved to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Ernie Kuhlwein.