Location: at Mc Loones’ Pier House in Long Branch

Call to Order – President Alain Fortier opened the meeting at 11:36 a.m. by Welcoming All at Mc Loones’ Pier House in Long Branch.

By Laws – President Fortier discussed the proposed By Laws Membership Category changes: County Representative- $75.00, Associate County Representative- $25.00, Commercial Business Membership- $250.00 and Individual Membership- $50.00.  This is the second reading of proposed By Laws change. Larry Gindoff made a motion to accept this change and it was seconded by Chuck Giacobb and approved by all members in attendance.

President Fortier discussed the proposed By Laws Treasurer’s Term Changes: An individual serving in the position of Treasurer may continue to serve in that position (beyond the 3 year maximum) with a majority approval of the members in good standing at the first general meeting immediately following the 3 consecutive terms. This extension of service must be voted upon on a year to year basis for that specific individual with no maximum terms defined.

This is the second reading of proposed By Laws change. JoAnn Gemenden made a motion to accept this change and it was seconded by Monica a Gismondi and approved by all members in attendance.
Chris Sikorski abstained from voting.

By-Laws will be officially amended to reflect both of these changes in 2010.

RBRC– Vice President JoAnn Gemenden officially announced that ANJHHWC has received a $15,000 grant from RBRC to promote the recycling of Rechargeable batteries. VP Gemenden will do a press release for the public and NJDEP. 

Operation Medicine Cabinet – Vice President JoAnn Gemenden read a summary of Operation Medicine Cabinet’s outcomes at the meeting. “The Drug Enforcement Administration in New Jersey says more than 9,000 pounds of medicines were collected in a statewide drive that encouraged residents to turn in unused, unwanted and expired medicines. Nearly 3 1/2 million pills, with a street value of approximately $35 million dollars, were collected during “Operation Medicine Cabinet” held on Nov. 14, 2009.

VP Gemenden will also discuss with Special Agent Douglas S. Collier his availability as a guest speaker for a future meeting.

Marc Kodrowski from MXI stated his company has participated running several medicine take back programs in PA. & NY.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Sikorski stated that several outstanding invoices have recently been paid and a bill from the webmaster was just received. The current Account Balance at the time of the meeting was $26,195.43. Motion to accept the report was made by Ron Berenato and seconded by Larry Gindoff.
President Fortier asked the membership to appoint a Finance Committee to review the Treasure’s records and books annually. The Committee should not exceed 3 members in good standing that have not served on the executive committee for the past 5 years. This was approved; volunteers will be sought at the next meeting.

RBRC– President Fortier introduced Todd Ellis, the East Coast representative for RBRC. Mr. Ellis gave a power point “Call 2 RECYLE” presentation and answered questions.
Photo Op was held with Todd Ellis turning over the $15,000 check to ANJHHWC President Fortier.

E-Waste– Carole Tolmachewich gave a brief summary of the joint ANJHHWC & ANJR E-Waste Stakeholder’s Meeting that was held on Tuesday, December 1, 2009 from 9:30 am to noon at the Middlesex Fire Academy.

Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at approx. Noon for lunch.