Location: Mc Loone’s Rum Runner in Sea Bright
Call to Order – The meeting was opened by President Alain Fortier at 11:45am at Mc Loone’s Rum Runner in Sea Bright. Self-introductions followed.
President Alain Fortier:
- Thanked all for attending the Holiday meeting.
- A brief overview was given by President Fortier and Ron Berenato on the 2008 NAHMMA Conference in Burlington. VT- Oct. 12 -17. President Fortier and Ron Berenato attended various programs on: Paint recycling, Food Waste, Leaf Composting, Permanent HHW facilities, and the Vermont reused oil collection program. Handouts were made available to all members.
- Ron Berenato from the ACUA discussed Boat Flares. Diane Hulse-Hiller from Marine Extension at Rutgers Cooperative Extension, 1623 Whitesville Rd. in Toms River, NJ 08755 is trying to setup a program.
- President Fortier passed around a book entitled “Handbook of Household Hazardous Waste”. The membership will review the book before making a recommendation to buy copies for all association members.
Treasurer’s Report: Chris Sikorski reported the account balance at the time of the meeting was $9,668.24 and the most recent expenditures are $1,470 for webmaster services and $367.86 to the association’s president for conference reimbursement. A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Dennis Dematte and seconded by Chuck Giacobb. The motion passed unanimously.
Vendor Update– representatives from MXI and Radiac spoke briefly. MXI is did HHW events for Morris, Bergen & Sussex counties and Radiac reported doing 75 events in NJ & NY.