Location: Hesstech, LLC in Edison and in Woodbridge, Middlesex County

Call to Order – The meeting was opened by President Alain Fortier at 10:15 a.m. at Hesstech, LLC in Edison .   Dave Zimet , President of Hesstech, gave an overview of Hesstech.  Hesstech is an electronics demanufacturing facility.  Members also saw a short video on MaSer Corporation, Canada , an electronics shredding operation,

Dave Zimet introduced Mohsen & Gino Altamirano from Goodwill of North Jersey and Bob Hain of Goodwill, South Jersey .  Goodwill representatives discussed the Reconnect program and the PR campaign that has begun in North Jersey .  Reconnect is a joint program between Dell and Goodwill Industries to collect used consumer computers.  Dell could not be there but offered to answer questions through a conference call next month at Hesstech.

This was followed with a tour of the Hesstech’s facility.

Meeting was reconvened by President Alain Fortier at McLoones at Favorites in Woodbridge .  

Fred Stanger of Middlesex County , President Fortier and others discussed and asked questions regarding the Memorandum of Understanding for the Paint Product Stewardship Initiative.  It was agreed that Dana Coyle with NJDEP will be invited to the next ANJHHWC meeting to give an update on the MOU- Paint Dialogue issue as the group voted we needed more information before agreeing to sign the MOU.

Treasure’s Report – Account balance at the time of the meeting it was $8253.44. 

County Updates – Counties provided information on 2008 HHW events, electronics, new bids and contractors.

Vendor Update– After being introduced by President Fortier, Howard Edison from EcoFlo spoke briefly.

Adjournment  – Meeting was adjourned at 2:30pm.